Building Blocks “The Pushkin Museum”
Building Blocks “The Pushkin Museum”
Become an architect and build the Pushkin Museum, become a guide and take a tour of its halls, and when you've played enough, assemble an antique temple, a modern skyscraper or a cozy town from the Building Blocks.
These Building Blocks are part of a collection we made in collaboration with the Pushkin Museum. Its main building is as valuable as the masterpieces it houses.
Playing with the Building Blocks will help every child to feel the spirit of Pushkin, even if he lives far away and has not yet been to the museum, it will instill in him a curiosity for architecture, develop the ability to notice beauty and notice details. You will be able to experience special feelings when you find yourself on the steps of the museum or inside its halls after the game.
Natural wood
Water based paint
Made in Russia
Each element of the Building Blocks is made and painted by hand. We use eco-friendly paints that are approved for children from birth and do not use varnish to preserve the matte and natural texture of the wood.

How to use?
To build the building of the Pushkin Museum, and then other Greek and Roman architectural monuments. Discuss how they are similar?
Draw pictures that could hang in the Pushkin building.
Come up with names for all the colors of the Building Blocks and find similar shades around you.
Build scenery for a performance based on ancient Greek myth.
Get acquainted with the building of the Pushkin Museum, count the columns, measure their thickness with your arms or play hide and seek among them.